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What's the Difference Between Free Beacon Support and Paid Solution Support?


Our free helpdesk support answers pre and post sales questions on beacons and gateways while paid solution advice covers questions pertaining to your project

Questions on beacons include, for example, asking which beacons have what capabilities and solving post-sales problems with beacon setup. Many answers can be readily found within the beacon specifications, in our articles, blog and knowledgebase but please raise a support ticket if you can't find an answer to your query.

Solution advice is usually provided via a feasibility study that involves solving problems specific to your project such as whether your project is possible, optimum beacon selection, efficient device setup, software integration, software development, rollout and testing. A feasibility study is sometimes a first step for organisations who want to explore our expertise prior to engaging our solution development services.

Our business model isn't based on providing free solution support in the anticipation of selling more beacons. We are specialists in Bluetooth Beacon solutions. Our main income comes through consultancy, development, Beaconserver™, BeaconRTLS™ and PrecisionRTLS™ rather than selling beacons. Beacons are relatively low volume and are low profit after factoring in our costs. The reason we sell beacons is to enable solutions, not to sell large quantities of them at low net profit.


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Article details
Article ID: 93
Category: Consultancy

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